How I know the internet is over

I love the scene in Mississippi Burning where Gene Hackman grabs KKK man Michael Rooker’s testicles.

It came to mind while watching Get Shorty in which John Travolta’s character grabs James James Gandolfini’s character by the balls and tosses him down a flight of steps. I should compile a list of such scenes, right? Too late. Been a long time since I came up with an idea for a “best of” that hadn’t been done.

True Detective (Season One): Philosophy of Rust Cohle

I was not a fan of what I think of as the early Matthew McConaughey but his later stuff really speaks to me. Mud (2012) and Dallas Buyers Club (2013). Top of my list is his portrayal of Rust Cohle in the first season (2014) of the HBO series True Detective. In the scene above (with Woody Harrelson) Rust shares his view of the cosmos.