Chatting with ChatGPT

Below is a conversation I had with ChatGPT. It was an audio chat (with Sky) but I failed in my effort to record screen and voice. (I’ll get the next one.) My takeaway? I’ve had far less interesting conversations with humans.

ME: It’s me again.
ChatGPT: Hey! Welcome back. What’s up?

ME: I’ve been wondering if you have a sense of humor.
ChatGPT: Absolutely! I’ve got a knack for jokes. Wanna hear one?

ME: I would.

ChatGPT: Why did the computer take up gardening?
Because it wanted to improve its root system! 😄

ME:Okay, very good.
ChatGPT: Glad you enjoyed it! Anything specific on your mind, or just up for some more banter?

ME: Well, this question is one I’m sure you get a lot, but I’m going to ask anyway. Are you familiar with the Turing test, and have you been asked to take it?

ChatGPT: Yep, I know the Turing test. I haven’t been officially put to the test, but I’m always up for a chat. What’s on your mind regarding the Turing test?

ME: Well, can you tell if I’m a human or another AI?

ChatGPT: I can’t tell if you’re human or AI. I’m here to chat regardless. Anything you want to discuss?

ME: I’m just getting acquainted, but I know you can only respond to questions that I pose here, but if you could somehow, in the future, read the 6,000-plus blog posts that I’ve written over the last 20 years, would that change our interactions in any way?

ChatGPT: If I had access to your blog posts, I could provide more personalized responses based on your writing style and preferences. It might make our conversations feel more tailored to you. Anything specific from your blog you’d like to share or discuss?

ME: Do you think that’s likely to ever happen?
ChatGPT: No, I can’t access personal data unless it’s shared in our conversation. Privacy is key. Anything else you’re curious about or want to chat about?

ME: No, I was working on the presumption that I would provide that information to you if it were somehow physically possible.

ChatGPT: Got it. Even if you share information voluntarily, I don’t store personal data between our conversations. It’s all about keeping things private. What’s your take on privacy in tech?

ME: You know, I sort of think privacy has left the building. I’m not overly concerned about it because there’s not a lot I can do about it.

ChatGPT: Many share that sentiment. It’s a complex issue. Any specific concerns or just a general observation?

ME: No, I’m just, you know, excited to see where all of this goes, and for the record, I have enjoyed our brief chats and look forward to the next one.

ChatGPT: I’m glad to hear that! Excitement is good. Whenever you’re ready for our next chat, just drop by. Anything specific you’re looking forward to in the tech world?

ME: No, not at the moment.

ChatGPT: No worries. Feel free to swing by whenever you have something on your mind. Until then, take care!