Lost gas cap found

This is one of those “I left my phone/coffee/purse/baby on top of my car and drove 10 miles without it falling off” stories.

Couple of months back I forgot to put the gas cap back after filling up the pickup and drove home.

When I discovered it was missing I went back to the convenience store but if anyone found it they hadn’t turned it in. So I purchased a “universal” cap because there was no way to replace the original which had been on the truck since 1977.

Yesterday my neighbor flagged me down and held up a gas cap asking, “Is this yours?” He had been raking gravel from his yard back into the road and discovered my gas cap. It somehow remained balanced on the bed of the truck for five miles of turns and hills and only our steep, bumpy gravel road shook it off.

Powerful forces at work here, friends. I’ll come up with some sort of chain to insure this doesn’t happen again. Minty Fresh is once again perfect.

UPDATE: I replaced earlier image with the one above.

One thought on “Lost gas cap found

  1. You’re unbelievably lucky! The great thing about an old truck like yours is the gas cap can fall off into the gravel and remain there for two months and still look perfect when you put it back on the truck.

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