Rebuilt carburetor for Jeep

While the Jeep is in exceptionally good shape for a 76 year old vehicle, Paul decided to replace the carburetor with a rebuilt Carter.

Carter adapted carburetors for Willys Jeep four-cylinder engines, waterproofing them for water crossings and making it possible to keep the engine going even on a steep incline (the Y-S carburetor). (Wikipedia)

He found a guy who specializes in rebuilding these and tests them on a Jeep engine. All for a mere $310.00. (Old and new carb below)

Took a screwdriver, a spanner and about half an hour and the Jeep was running like a Singer sewing machine.

Paul declared this the quietest old Jeep engine he had seen/heard. He’s pretty sure the engine was rebuilt along the way. The odometer reads 2,932 miles and was probably reset following the rebuild. Just waiting on the new steering box. Watch this space.

One thought on “Rebuilt carburetor for Jeep

  1. I asked Paul if we should add seat belts. At least on the driver side.
    “I don’t think most of the CJ2A drivers use a seat belt. In a wreck things aren’t good regardless. On the plus side they’re slow.”

    I love that answer.

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