New well

When we built our home (30+ years ago) we had to drill a well for water. It’s never been a problem, until this week.

We started getting air in our pipes and called Joe Green (the man who did has maintained our well all these years. While pulling the pump, it got stuck. Wouldn’t come up, wouldn’t go down. Big problem. Nothing to do but cut the pipe drill a new well. And, yes, it will be insanely expensive. The company that drilled our well all those years ago will come out next week to drill a new one.

While browsing their website I learned that each person in your household will use an average of 65-95 gallons per day. 

As part of their service, they provide us with a big tank of water that can be used for just about everything except drinking and cooking. They feed the water directly into our plumbing so we can shower, flush, wash our hands, etc. Big improvement over buckets and jugs of water everywhere. It will be a while before I take water for granted.

I’m told the drilling trucks are the size of firetrucks. Big. I’ll post photos and videos here next week.