How life happens

“Life is nothing but moments, and every moment is nothing but another culmination of the universe’s incalculable ripples. Out where we can’t see, they’re crossing and merging, bringing toward us new forms and experiences that are almost perfectly unpredictable. Yet the way we think about life seldom reflects that reality. We plan and worry and forecast and dread, all with an absurd sense of certainty, like we’re setting up snooker shots and we can see all the balls.”

David Cain

One thought on “How life happens

  1. Two more excerpts from the post:

    “dependent arising—the idea that every phenomenon emerges from the vast sea of causes and conditions that came before it.”

    “Our worries and expectations only account for what we can see from here. Meanwhile, the future that will actually emerge will consist mostly of things we never thought to think about.”

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