Riley is still out there

When we bought Lucy 15 years ago we were so eager for new dog we failed to properly check out the breeder which turned out to be a puppy mill. A check-up at the MU Vet School revealed she would have hip dysplasia when she got older so we opted to have surgery to prevent this. It worked (she lived to be 14) but the first year was hell on her and us.

There are tests that can and should be conducted on the parents of any dog you purchase. We fucked up (again) and failed to ask for that certification for Riley’s litter until this weekend. They had it for the sire, not the dam. So we’ve decided not bring home a puppy from the litter I’ve been showcasing here. Just can’t take the risk. So we’re starting our search anew. We’re going to take our time, do lots of checking and make sure Riley is as healthy as possible. A difficult decision but the right one.

One thought on “Riley is still out there

  1. So sorry Steve and Barb…I’m sure the decision was a difficult one for you. However, it appears you’re using the correct process. I’ll be watching here..

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