Hernia repair surgery

One morning three years ago I looked down while getting in the shower and noticed a bulge in my lower abdomen, about the size of a golf ball. Uh oh. My doctor informed me it was “just” an inguinal hernia, nothing to be concerned about. As long as it wasn’t giving me any problems I could put off having it surgically repaired.

So I’ve lived with the little guy for the last few years. About a year ago I started wearing a truss because being on my feet all day left me feeling a little achey “down there.” I thought about surgery from time to time but kept putting it off on the theory that if you can avoid surgery — any surgery — you should. But having a hernia seemed like an “old guy” thing to me. I’m not ready to be an old guy.

I finally got tired of looking at — and thinking about — the thing and went to see a surgeon who specializes in laparoscopic repair. Had it down this morning and was “under” for less than an hour. Three small incisions starting at the belly button and working down.

A little nausea from the anesthetic and some some soreness but an amazingly simple procedure. Should have had it done when it first showed up. Watch this space for post-op updates.

UPDATE: (October 2, 2018) Little soreness, moving slowly. Rented a car rather than try to drive the truck (manual brakes and steering).

2 thoughts on “Hernia repair surgery

  1. I think basically you’re just a big chicken and were afraid to do it. Glad you’re now fixed and back to normal. It’ll make you feel younger once it heals.

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