The Land Rover is done

Mr. Wolf has thoroughly vetted my truck and pronounced it done. If you’ve been following the story here you know what a laborious process that has been. He knew he was sending the truck to someone who doesn’t own a wrench (I’ll get some! I’ll get some!) and wanted to find and fix everything he could. He’ll arrange for transport and when we have a delivery date I’ll post it here. Tentative plan is to unload in one of the parking lots of the Capital Mall west of Jefferson City.

Now that he has the truck shipshape, Mr. Wolf added the badge I had made. I think I can safely say this Land Rover is one of a kind. Thanks entirely to his tireless efforts.

UPDATE: Not so long ago the idea of naming a vehicle would have gotten some serious eye-rolling from me. Any reference to the Land Rover would probably start and end with “the truck.” Now I’m not so sure. Depending on how much personality the truck acquires, I won’t be surprised if I find myself referring to “Mr. Wolf.” If the truck lives long enough to acquire a soul, it will be because of his efforts.

6 thoughts on “The Land Rover is done

  1. I have had a lot of support from you and others. I long ago started thinking of this as “our” Land Rover.

  2. I’m thrilled for you Steve. It’s been a long and somewhat turbulent trip but I think you’re going to love it once you get it. All this work, and the culmination of over a year has been a good experience in learning patience . I’m happy the overall goal of getting it done and as perfect as possible has been met.

  3. I can’t get over imagining you crawling around on the ground changin’ your own oil. Let Joel and I know the big day, we’ll bring lawn chairs!! Promise, we won’t heckle too much. So happy for you Steve, what a story you have, and a new chapter is just around the corner.

  4. I am convinced this last year has been less about an old truck and more about the Universe teaching me patience. As we say on Cellblock C, “I can do ten days standing on my head.” I’ll be delighted if I have the truck by the end of August.

    As for “the next big project”… From everything I’ve heard and read, keeping an old Land Rover running is a never-ending project. I have fantasies of learning how an old truck works. I’d like to do some of the routine maintenance and service. At least I “think” I’d like to do that. We’ll see.

    I’m planning some day trips around Missouri. Maybe some overnight trips. The state is blessed with lots of little back rounds and two-lane blacktops where the Rover’s 50 mph won’t get me killed. I’m going to see as many of those as I can.

    There must be some older Land Rovers out there and I might try to find and visit those.

    One might point out, “You can do all of that in your MINI!” True, but it wouldn’t be the same.

    I’ll take lots of photos and videos and share everything here.

  5. HOORAY!!! Shipping will be the longest 7-10 days of your life, or not… What’s the next big project?

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