2 thoughts on “Ride in front. Wait in back.

  1. I was a big fan of your grandfather and he was a good friend to my father and my family. He figured prominently in the history of KBOA, some of which I’ve collected on KBOA830.com. There’s some Elvis history here and an image of the contract here. I don’t know “precisely what KBOA’s involvement was” but think it was more likely arranged by one of the announcers.

  2. Mr. Mays, my name is Noel Bankhead. My father is James Bankhead and my grandfather is Joe Bankhead. My grandfather and your father worked at KBOA in Kennett MO. Recently, my father shared a photo of a contract for Elvis Presley to perform at the B&B club in Gobler, MO. It was signed by both my grandfather and Elvis. My father said he found out about it from your blog. I’d like to know precisely what KBOA’s involvement was for the concert. Any other information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Noel Bankhead

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