Continuity error in a John Sandford novel?

I’ve been reading John Sandford novels since he started writing them. Every Lucas Davenport, Virgil Flowers, Kidd book he’s written. And the handful of other characters and co-authored novels. In all of these books I don’t recall finding a continuity error. Every plot seamless. But I came across the following while re-reading Dark of the Moon (Virgil Flowers)

“Knock at the door. Bad news. Bad news always knocks quietly. He thought of his son in Minneapolis, this daughters in Alberta Lea and Santa Fe.’
— Page 111, Dark of the Moon

And just six pages later…

“This is brutal, Virgil said, standing with his hands in his jeans pockets. “The family hear yet?”
“Not much family, not that we k now of — maybe she has cousins. They never had children.”
— Page 117, Dark of the Moon

I checked and double checked and the reference is to the same minor character. I guess this could be explained by the speaker (a deputy) in the first quote not knowing the dead couple (locals) had children, but that’s a stretch.

4 thoughts on “Continuity error in a John Sandford novel?

  1. Just reading Sandford’s latest Neon Prey and found one at the very beginning. On page 2 the character is preparing barbecue described in detail the meat, the seasoning and the “peach charcoal brought by a Georgia peckerwood to the Red Stick Farmers Market…”

    Then on page 4 he is putting the steaks on an “oval mound of glowing hickory charcoal”

    What happened to the peach charcoal??

  2. Glad to have this confirmed by another reader. Thought I might be losing my mind.

  3. I was scouring Google looking for a reference to this when I came across your post. I’ve read all of Sandford’s books and am on my second reading of Dark of the Moon when I noticed this. I believe you’re right, it seems to be an error.

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