We need a virus

I don’t recall how the original War of the Worlds ended but in the Tom Cruise remake, [SPOILER!] the aliens succumb to some earthly virus to which humans became immune over the eons.

I frequently fantacize something like this to free us from the politicians and corporate swine [yes, I know they are not all swine] that we have allowed to rule us so completely. But their DNA is the same as ours, so probably not gonna happen.

Another fantasy involves meteors obliterating DC and Wall Street and we start over with a list of Things Not to Let Happen Again. Too much loss of inocent life.

Why do I see violence as a necessary part of our freedom?

I grew up in a small town. There wasn’t a lot to do but it was fine as long as you didn’t know anything else. A lot of politicians probably come from such places. And when they get to The Big City they have power and privilege. Life is GOOD! So good, they will do just about anything to avoid going back to that little town. Back to being just a … citizen.

Sometimes, however, you lose the election. So they created the safety net of the lobby. If you can stay in office long enough to get some power, you can leverage that should you get voted out of office. You don’t have to go back to Hooterville.

No, I do not believe “our system” still works well enough to free us from the people now holed up in the DC Helm’s Deep. I think we’ll have to drag them out one by one.

Unless some alien virus wipes them out