How far would you walk for a cup of Rocket Fuel?

5.1 miles according to Google Maps. And — as Google predicted– it took just about 1 hour and 40 minutes.

The battery on my 12 year old 4 Runner conked out Sunday evening. A neighbor jumped me and I dropped the car at the local Toyota dealer.  This morning I could have called someone for a lift to work but that would have meant missing my visit to the Coffee Zone.

So I set out on foot just before 6 a.m., with a sign taped to my back that read: “Latte for a ride.” I figured I’d get a ride in no time. Seriously, I thought it was cute (but later learned it was just creepy). I left just before 6 a.m.

Big strong men in pick-up trucks passed me by. They were either afraid of me or just didn’t give a shit.

90 minutes later I arrived at the Coffee Zone, sweaty with two quarter-sized blisters on the bottom of my feet. When the oil is all gone I’ll be able to ride a bike down the middle of the street.

8 thoughts on “How far would you walk for a cup of Rocket Fuel?

  1. Getting a taxi can also involve this little plastic box with push buttons on. Hello, can I have a taxi from (insert location here) to (insert location here). 6am please. Little man the other end, confirms your requirement and if you are lucky tells you how much. Don’t tell me a nation that put blokes on the moon can’t move one fez wearing oddball 5 miles !

  2. I thought about a taxi but it’s not like raising your hand on a busy city street. As for the battery? Yes, expensive. But I thought it might be something more so I took it to the dealer. What can I say?

  3. I’m impressed (and a little freaked out) that you crossed 63/54 during morning traffic

  4. What about a taxi, they do have them there don’t they ? Also, taking vehicle to a main dealer for a battery… Expensive !

  5. I just wee’d myself reading that post. Latte for a ride ? She says “there’s ya ride, now where’s me latte mister” !

    As for big strong men in pickup trucks, we just won’t go there…

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