Principles for reporters & bloggers in a networked era

From Paul Bradshaw, Online Journalism Blog. Mr. Bradshaw’s post has lot of useful links that I did not include below.
  • To verify & contextualise what’s online
    • Because finding things to publish isn’t difficult – for anyone.
    • Because the voices that stand out online are those that dig behind the statistics, or give meaning behind the headlines.
    • Because curating context is as important as curating content.
  • To digitise what’s not online & make it findable
    • Because in a networked world, information that’s not online is, to all intents and purposes, for most people hidden.
    • Because journalists have always sought to bring hidden information to a wider audience – but in the networked era that’s no longer a one-way process. SEO, tagging, linking and social media marketing are just as important as publishing.
    • Because online, information has a life of its own: adaptable, aggregatable, mashable.
  • To empower communities & make connections between
    • Because the web is a tool as much as a channel.
    • Because journalists have always been generalists whose strength is in making connections between diverse areas – in the networked era that role is reinvented as a connector.
    • Because serving communities sometimes means looking out as much as looking in.