Hotmail starting to suck

I moved the link to my email address. It was just under the masthead on the right. I moved it down to the My Stuff area on the sidebar. And I switched from my Hotmail account to my Gmail account. Hotmail just aint getting it any more. More and more sites won’t accept email from Hotmail users because it’s eat up with spam. This has always been my throw-away account and I’m about to throw it away. I’ll keep it for now, just because it’s difficult to get your name ( anymore. If you want to reach me you can use the Gmail accsount or just post a comment and mark it personal. But know that I won’t be checking the Hotmail account very often.

One thought on “Hotmail starting to suck

  1. Hotmail is obsolete, even its beta version is obsolete. Google and Yahoo’s services are better when it comes to SPAM protection/speed in browsing through the account/integration of services/etc.. A lot of people are switching from Hotmail to other services.

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