Live with the WikiLeakable world or shut down the net. It’s your choice

“What WikiLeaks is really exposing is the extent to which the western democratic system has been hollowed out. In the last decade its political elites have been shown to be incompetent (Ireland, the US and UK in not regulating banks); corrupt (all governments in relation to the arms trade); or recklessly militaristic (the US and UK in Iraq). And yet nowhere have they been called to account in any effective way. Instead they have obfuscated, lied or blustered their way through. And when, finally, the veil of secrecy is lifted, their reflex reaction is to kill the messenger” — via

The chickens just called. They’re running late but will be back at the roost shortly.

One thought on “Live with the WikiLeakable world or shut down the net. It’s your choice

  1. Amen , amen… I still can not wrap my mind around having sex with a couple of gals and not using a condom and then getting charged, or not charged, with a sex crime in Sweeden? WTF?

    All governments should be visible, the ‘behind closed door shit is dead, and stinks to high heaven…not all of us are morons, governors.

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