Joe Bankhead’s History of KBOA


Joe Bankhead was there when radio station KBOA went on the air in 1947. One of the original employees. He recently retired (at the age of 92) and set down at his manual upright and banged out 17 pages of memories about the early days. My thanks to Joe (and his son, Jimmy) for allow us to share them here. You can hear some of Joe’s recollections in his own words (recorded in 1982)

AUDIO: Excerpt of interview with Joe Bankhead

Here’s Joe’s “History of KBOA”

2 thoughts on “Joe Bankhead’s History of KBOA

  1. Loved listening to these comments from Mr Bankhead. My father was Gene Denny and played with Chuck Gray’s Band. My Mom is here listening with me and hearing all these names really brought back a lot of memories for her. My dad was Carl Denny’s cousin.

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