Kevin O’Keefe on Twitter

“Just anecdotal evidence, but I find Twitter users a fairly affluent and upwardly mobile group. They tend toward being business people, as opposed to kids. I’ve not only met people I am now following, but I’ve been turned onto upcoming events of interest that I would have never known of but for Twitter. In one case I ‘direct tweeted’ a person who just moved to Seattle to head up a new group at Microsoft. On another occasion I connected with a leader in the Search Engine Optimization industry. And this doesn’t include the local Seattle lawyers I am making connections with via Twitter.”

It’s probably just frustration with trying to get some “hot new thing,” but I frequently encounter an almost angry tone on the subject of Twitter:“I don’t get it! This is bullshit! What a waste of time!”

I try to remember it took me more than a year for the Twitter to click [Twitterclick:  noun. Small, sub-audible sound in the frontal lobe associated with Twittercognizance]

One thought on “Kevin O’Keefe on Twitter

  1. I like the Twitter lightbulb Steve. Expect to see that I’ve stole the image to play on my blog one of these days. ;)
    And I do agree, I get major flack when I tell folks Twiiter is of value. I am made major fun of. None the less, I am having fun with Twitter and meeting/getting to know a lot of folks throug its use.

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