Obama’s management style sounds familiar

This NYT story reminded me one of my favorite management stories (The Cleanest Tastee Freeze in Town). A couple of grafs in particular:

“No state was more important to his candidacy than Iowa, but when (Senator Obama) arrived there for campaign visits he stopped aides who tried to give detailed accounts of developments.”

“I’d get in the car with him and talk a mile a minute,” recalled Paul Tewes, who was the campaign’s state director. Mr. Tewes recalled that on the candidate’s fifth visit to the state, Mr. Obama interrupted one of his detailed updates, saying: “You know what, Paul? All I want from you is for you to do your best, and I trust you and you know what you’re doing.”

In the years that I reported to Clyde Lear, I heard him say (to me and others) almost those exact words, more times than I can count. I’ve heard many talk the talk in this regard, but only a few that could walk the walk. Nice to know Senator O is one of them.

One thought on “Obama’s management style sounds familiar

  1. Oh how I wish I was lucky to have a boss like that. It would be even better if your boss was going to be President in a few months!

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