Why TV sites lag newspaper sites

Lost Remote’s Cory Bergman explains –again– why TV station websites lag behind newspaper sites. He identifies two root problems:

“The first is the fact that broadcast scripts are not appropriate to read online. They must be rewritten, usually by a web producer because the reporter A) “doesn’t have time” or B) can’t write. From a financial perspective, the time rewriting this script is a wasted cost. Reporters should write their own web stories — multiple updates throughout the day if needed — following AP style.

The second is the misguided notion that a TV station’s web staff is there just to repurpose TV stories with a few extras here and there. As a result, TV sites are oppressively heavy on crime/fires/accidents and feature thin TV versions of newspaper and AP stories.”

I read countless stories and posts like this and the thing that always gnaws at me is the the complete absence of any mention of radio station websites. Zip. Nada.

One thought on “Why TV sites lag newspaper sites

  1. Because they don’t get it. Radio has refused to believe there was ever a chink in their armor…

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