NAB Radio Show down with New Media

Scott reports there are at least eight sessions on “New Media” at the NAB Radio Show going on this week in Dallas:

1) Pod Squad – Getting the Drop on Podcasting
2) Text Messaging – Where U @?
3) How to Make Your Radio Station Website the Newspaper of the Future
4) Promotions with New Technologies
5) Harnessing the Power of Blogging
6) Radio’s Future in Focus: What Millennials REALLY Think
7) It Ain’t Just Radio: Where Else Can You Find New and Bigger Revenues?
8) Email marketing

Let’s hope Scott fires up that Blackberry and files some dispatches from a few of these sessions. We’ll post them here if we get ’em. They’ve got some people who know their stuff on the blogging and podcasting panels. (Scottie: Make Roger buy the tapes for those two sessions.)